Thursday, June 6, 2013

Theory - AriA the BAd @ss Seed

Hello liars, as promised our new theory. We know there are several theories about Aria and we really didn’t suspect her until after re-watching season 1. So yes, we wanted to jump on the Aria theory band wagon, because girlfriend is seriously ‘twisted’. We are 100% positive that she is A and is the one torturing Hanna. 

1. Ali said it  best, “You’d be surprised to know who your friends aren’t.” You should have listened.
In The First Secret, Alison tells Spencer this and looks in the direction of Hannah and Aria, this was a clue that one of these two are shady.


2. The first ‘A’ text was sent to Aria but notice that it was sent from her own phone and signed -A. Weird much? Honestly, we never paid attention to this before.

3. Hanna, Hanna, Hanna why did you have to get busted for stealing sunglasses? Better warn my BFF before she gets herself into anymore trouble.
“I heard the cops took Hanna to the police station today.” How did Aria know that Hanna went to the police station, or better yet why is that the first thing that came out of her mouth?


4. Don’t push your luck Hanna, I like you but there are some things that you should not say in my presence, that’s including talking sh!t about my family.
Hanna is bad at popping off at the mouth in this scene we notice that Aria walks to the counter and grabs her cell phone and when Hanna grabs hers she receives a text.



Fear cuts like a knife, B!tch!
Aria puts fear in Hannah for her to join them upstairs then makes her move to send the text, because honestly how does Aria know where to look in the closet for the red lipstick? Her minion was in there filming for her and she knew all along what to look for.


5. You must learn, that stealing is bad Hannah but you’re a good sport so I’ll let your mother’s mistake slide for now but you better not rub me the wrong way because you will pay.
Aria just happened to be in the area and noticed her poor friend eating cupcakes, that’s bull. Aria was there because she planned the whole thing.



“Hey you ok?”
As if she doesn’t know what’s going on. Aria set this whole thing up.


6. Damn you Hanna, I need my mom to see me with Ezra so you are going to make this happen, understand.
Aria needed a real boyfriend that she could be seen with in public but there was no way she could have that with a teacher. She set it up for Hanna to give her mother the ticket so that her mom would see her and Ezra in Philly and hopefully she would approve but when her mother didn’t show because of Hanna’s loyalty as a friend, she got pissed. Remember Ezra is probably Aria’s first boyfriend, she loves this guy so much that she would hurt her friends to be with him.



7. When she found out Caleb was living in the school, she anonymously told on him, which left him homeless. Dirtbag, you’re the reason my mom didn’t make it to Philly to catch Ezra and I.


Only Hanna and Aria knew this and Hanna said she didn’t tell, so that leaves Aria.


8. When Hannah told Aria that she gave her mom the ticket, she only got upset when Hanna told her, “As soon I put that ticket in your mom’s locker I did everything I could to undo it.” This is what really upset her. Damn you Hannah, my mom would’ve known if you didn’t mess things up.





She writes in her diary:
“a patio table Hanna, the man’s I.D. checked out. It checked out because there was a James Leland related to Mrs. Potter, but this isn’t him. This is somebody else. If I tell the state people some story about the man being an imposter it’ll just draw attention which we do not ___ have to do something __ to __ her trouble”
There’s more but I can’t read it because gets blurry and her hand in covering most, but it looks like she is rewriting it over and over angrily.
The next episode James Leland shows up, how does Aria know about this guy before he even shows up?


9. Hanna told all the girls at one time that Caleb was living in her basement at a store, Aria was the only one that seemed pissed at that.
Hanna you B!tch, you’re suppose to tell me everything, why am I just finding this out. Ugh you are going down.


The next night an exterminator show up. Coincidence, I think not. Aria  or A as she call herself sent him.


10. In Season 2, we noticed Aria sending a text when all the girls had to sit at different tables. We noticed Aria’s hand movement at this particular scene and then all the girls received a text.


Roundup on the Aria theory:
  1. We believe she has multiple personalities.
  2. Ever notice how she always discover/read or view findings first, before Spencer when Spencer is supposedly the smart one. 
  3. imageimage
  4. Aria is always a step ahead of the girls, in S2.04 she blurts out “What if he has a gun? He’s the bad guy right?” Coincidence? No, she already knew this.
  5. She reads a lot of mysteries and watch a lot of old movies.
  6. She keeps a detailed journal/diary. image
There’s just so much that point to her. Thanks for reading.

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